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Mâ in France:
MÂ is supposed to sensitize the public to cultural diversity, to messages given by indigenous people in person and to open a window on Mayan culture thanks to audiovisual support. Its goal is also to allow access to a documentation translated in French, and create intercultural and united exchanges in France. The association devotes a great part of its activities to respected childbirth sensitizing the public to the work of traditional midwives and doctors from Mexico.
OMIECH in Mexico:
MÂ The section Women and Midwives of OMIECH was created upon request of indigenous women from Chiapas in order to organize course of experience exchanges between women and traditional midwives. Their aims: Save, develop and transmit knowledge and therapeutic practices of traditional Maya midwives from Chiapas. This network of women is finally the demonstration of a will of solidarity and popular self-administered education.
Exchanges' Origin
The origin of exchanges between the two organizations appears as collaboration at the audiovisual level. This position allows a real human exchange before and after the projects.
The first encounter took place in April 2010 while OMIECH was accepting collaboration with MÂ for the documentary filming “Partera Madrina”. The member of MÂ’s interest for ethic and work of OMIECH’s section of women and midwives is growing.
Finally “Partera Madrina” could not succeed in the predicted deadlines, the director and coordinator of the Communication department of OMIECH, Agripino Ico Bautista, accepted to entrust his documentary “Knowledge of Indian Midwives from Chiapas upland” to us in order to be translated, subtitled and projected in France.
From early September to mid-October, the association MÂ received Agripino Ico Bautista in order to open an exchange space with French public. Finally, a dozen of projections took place followed by a debate with the director. This was a real scope of experiences for everyone and to conclude each one wanted to collaborate together on an audiovisual production for the French and Mexican public.

Goals of the organizations